Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Swindlers' List?

Many Tamilians' scepticism about Karunanidhi's real priority in his political career were confirmed when he enacted a foolish "non-cooperation movement" with Sonia Congress last week. When his whole time & effort should have been spent in directing aid flow & rehabilitation efforts through Indian and International pressure on the Sri Lankan Government to help rehabilitate the displaced Sri Lankan Tamils due to the terrorist flush-out there, our man, who never misses a chance to proclaim his "தமிழ் பற்று" was confabulating with Congress negotiators for plum ministerial berths in the yet to be formed Union Government for his kith & kin. Even though he was not fully fit healthwise, that has not prevented this man from undertaking a long air travel from Chennai to Delhi because he knows the importance of bagging the 'right" ministries so that regular "income' to his party is assured. Moreover, he wants to personally make sure the "right person' is put in the 'right job' lest there can be 'leakage" in income and may be "business secrets"(?) too. So much for the Tamil Nadu public, who have been believing this man for the last 60 years or so.

Now, it transpires from this, that Karunanidhi's negotiations have borne fruit & he is going to install all his "right men" into the Central Cabinet. It looks like he also almost got what he wanted originally, though there are a few changes. Here is the Swindler's List of Karunanidhi:

1. Son gets Chemicals and Fertilisers
2. Grand-Nephew gets Textiles
3. Chinna Veettu Binaami gets IT & Telecom (same as last cabinet)
4. Palanimanickam gets MoS in Finance 9same as last time)
5. Nepolean gets MoS in I & B (good for Sun & Kalaignar Channells)
6. Jegathrakshakan gets MoS in Railways (PMK's loss is DMK's gain)
7. Gandhiselvan gets MoS in Rural Development (small mercies for the loss of Shipping & Surface Transport)

Prominent names missing from this list are T.R.Binaamilu and M.P. Daughter. I think Karunanidhi will be having other things in mind for them, which we will come to know very soon.

Once these people are sworn-in and take charge, then, only then, karunanidhi's focus will turn to other things. Whe n he is busy with "major" and 'important" problems like ministry making for his kith & kin, how can people expect him to concentrate on "small matters' like Sri Lankan Tamils' sufferring?

Monday, May 25, 2009

இது "மாவீரன் வாரம்"

சென்ற வாரம் நிகழ்ந்த சில நிகழ்வுகளையும் அதனை தொடர்ந்து வந்த எதிர்மறை செய்திகளையும் சன் டிவி பாணியில் கூறுவதானால் "இது மாவீரன் வாரம்" என்று நீட்டி முழக்குவதுதான் பொருத்தமாக இருக்கும் என்று தோன்றுகிறது.

"மாவீரன்" என்று ஒருவரை (ஒரு கொள்ளை அல்லது கொலை அல்லது கடத்தல் செய்து நியாயமாக (!) வாழ்க்கை நடத்துபவரை பற்றி) கூறுவதற்கு அவருக்கு என்ன தகுதி இருக்க வேண்டும் என்று கேட்டால், உடனே நீங்கள் "அவருக்கு வீரம் இருக்க வேண்டும்" என்று அப்பாவி தனமாக கூறினால் ஒன்று நீங்கள் முட்டாளாக இருக்க வேண்டும் அல்லது நாட்டு நடப்பு துளியும் அறியாதவராக இருக்க வேண்டும்.

இன்றைய கால கட்டத்தில் மாவீரன் என்று அழைக்கப்படுவதற்கு "பணம்" (மட்டும்) இருந்தால் போதுமானது. வீரம் எல்லாம் தேவையே இல்லை. பணம் பாதாளம் வரை பாயும் என்பது பழைய மொழி. புது மொழி என்ன வென்றால், பணம் ஆகாயத்திலும் (அதாங்க, இணையம்) பாய்ந்து ஒரு பேடி அல்லது தீவிரவாதி அல்லது ஏமாற்று பேர்வழியையுமே கூட "மாவீரன்" போல சித்தரிக்க வைக்கும்.

இதுதான் இப்போது அமர்க்களமாக இணையத்தில் நடந்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறது. எனவே, மக்களே, நான் சொல்ல வருவது என்னவென்றால், எவனாவது தீவிரவாதி தன்னை மாவீரனாக காட்ட விரும்பினால் அவன் செய்ய வேண்டியது எல்லாம் இதுதான்:

எதிரியுடன் போரிட்டு தன் மக்களை காப்பதாக வெளி உலகிற்கு கூறிக்கொண்டு பல பேரை கட்டாய படுத்தி தனது கூட்டத்தில் சேர்த்துக்கொள்ள வேண்டும். சேரமாட்டேன் என்று எவனாவது அடம் பிடித்தால் அவன் உறவினர்களை அவன் கண்ணுக்கு எதிரிலேயே கொன்று விட வேண்டும். அப்புறம் எவன் அடம் பிடிப்பான்? ஆண், பெண் என்ற பாகுபாடோ வயதானவர் சின்னஞ்சிரியவர் என்ற மனிதாபிமானமோ சிறிதும் காட்டாமல் அனைவரையும் கட்டாயப்படுத்தி கூட்டத்தில் சேர்த்துக்கொள்ளவேண்டும்.

அடுத்து பணம் திரட்ட வேண்டும். எதிரியிடமிருந்து தப்பியோடி வெளி நாட்டில் தங்கி இருக்கும் கூட்டத்திடம் மிரட்டி பணம் பறிக்கலாம். அவர்களின் சில உறவினர்கள் உங்கள் கட்டுப்பாட்டில் இருந்தால் அவர்களால் மறுக்கவே முடியாது. பணம் போதுமான அளவு இல்லை என்றால், அதனை சம்பாதிக்க வேறு எவ்வளவோ (கேடு கெட்ட) வழிகள் இருப்பதையும் உணர்ந்து கொள்ள வேண்டும். அதாவது, கொள்ளை அடிப்பது முதல் போதை மருந்து மற்றும் ஆயுதம் கடத்துவது வரை எவ்வளவோ வழிகள் தற்போது உள்ளன என்பதையும் அறிந்து வைத்திருத்தல் பணம் சம்பாதிக்க மிகவும் உதவும்.

எதிரியுடன் சண்டை வரும்போது மற்றவர்களை மோதவிட்டு விட்டு, தான் மட்டும் சண்டை போடாமலேயே காலத்தை கடத்த வேண்டும். மற்ற அனைவருக்கும் சயனைடு குப்பிகள் கொடுத்து எதிரியிடம் சிக்கி விட்டால் கண்டிப்பாக சயனைடை உட்கொண்டு தற்கொலை செய்துகொள்ள வேண்டும் என்று விதி செய்ய வேண்டும்.

அடுத்து, எக்கச்சக்கமாக பணம் தண்ணீராக செலவழிக்க தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். அதே சமயம் சரியான முறையிலும் செலவழிக்க தெரிந்திருக்க வேண்டும். உங்களை "மாவீரன்" என்று இந்த உலகத்தில் உள்ள மக்களை (அட ஒரு சில லூசு மக்களாவது நம்ப மாட்டார்களா என்ன!) நம்ப வைக்க வேண்டும் என்பதால், உங்களை பற்றிய இல்லாததும் பொல்லாததுமான (அதாங்க புருடா) செய்திகளை மக்களுக்கு தெரிவிக்க வேண்டும். அவ்வகையான செய்திகள் தொடர்ந்து வந்துகொண்டே இருக்க வேண்டும்.

இதற்காக மிக சரியான வழி நாட்டில் உள்ள அரசியல்வாதிகளுக்கும் (நிறைய பேர் காத்து கொண்டு இருப்பார்கள்), திரை உலகை சேர்ந்தவர்களுக்கும் (இங்கும் நிறைய கைகூலிகள் உண்டு) மற்றும் மீடியாவில் உள்ளவர்களுக்கும் (இங்கு மிகவும் கவனம் தேவை; தவறான மீடியா ஆட்களை அணுகினால் உங்கள் ஏமாற்று வேலையை உலகமே அறிந்து கொள்ள நேரிடும்) நிறைய பணத்தை அள்ளி விட வேண்டும். அதாவது லஞ்சம் கொடுத்து இந்த கைகூலிகளை உங்கள் பக்கம் வளைத்து போட்டு கொள்ள வேண்டும்.

பணம் என்றால் பேயும் இறங்கும் என்பார்கள்; இந்த கைகூலிகளை கண்டால் பேயும் பயந்து விலகும். எனவே, அவர்கள் உங்களை பற்றி "ஆஹா! ஓஹோ!! நீங்கள் எப்பேர்பட்ட மாவீரர்! என்னே உங்கள் வீரம்! என்னே உங்கள் சண்டை திறன்! எவ்வளவு பேர் உங்களுக்காக உயிரை கொடுக்கவும் தயாராக இருக்கிறார்கள்! (அவர்களுக்கு வேறு வழி இல்லை. அவர்கள் உயிர் கொடுக்க வில்லை என்றால் நீங்கள் அவர்கள் உயிரை பறித்து விடுவீர்கள் என்பது யாருக்கும் தெரிய போவதில்லை)." இப்படி எல்லாம் கைகூலிகள் தொடர்ந்து உங்கள் புகழ் பாடிக்கொண்டே உங்களை "மாவீரன்" என்று மக்கள் மத்தியில் உருவகப்படுதுவார்கள். நாளடைவில், நிறைய பேர் அதனை நம்பவும் தொடங்கி விடுவார்கள். இப்படியாகத்தானே, வெறும் கொலை, கொள்ளை, கடத்தல் மற்றும் தீவிரவாதியான உங்களை பற்றி "மாவீரன்" என்ற "உருவகம்" (Perception) பொது மக்களில் சில பேரிடமாவது பதிந்துவிடும்.

ஒரு புறம் உங்களின் ஆட்கள் எதிரியுடன் சண்டையிட்டு இறந்தோ அல்லது வேறு வழியின்றி தற்கொலை செய்து கொண்டோ மடிவார்கள்; மறு புறம் நீங்கள் "மாவீரன்" போல சித்தரிக்க படுவீர்கள். இதற்க்கு நடுவில் அப்பாவி பொது மக்களை கேடயமாக பயன்படுத்தி நீங்களும் உங்கள் குடும்பமும் மற்றும் நெருங்கிய கூட்டத்தினரும் மட்டும் "ஜாலியாக" இருப்பீர்கள். இதனை கைகூலிகள் மறைத்துவிடுவார்கள். அப்பாவி பொது மக்களை கேடயமாக பயன்படுத்தி எதிரி உங்கள் மேல் குண்டு வீச முடியாத நிலைமையை உருவாக்கி, அப்படியே எதிரி வேறு வழியின்றி உங்களை தாக்கினாலும் உங்கள் கைக்கூலிகள் மூலம் "குய்யோ, முறையோ, எதிரி அப்பாவி பொது மக்களை தாக்குகிறான்" என்று கைக்கூலிகளை ஒப்பாரியிட வைத்து நீங்கள் அதில் நன்றாக குளிர் காயலாம்.

அப்படியும் எதிரி அப்பாவி பொது மக்களை எப்படியாவது உங்கள் கோர பிடியில் இருந்து தப்பவைத்து விட்டு உங்கள் கூட்டத்தினரை சுற்றி வளைத்து விட்டாலும் இருக்கவே இருக்கிறது உங்களின் கடைசி ஆயுதம். அதாங்க சரணாகதி. எதிரியிடம் சமரசம் பேசி வெள்ளைக்கொடி காட்டி மொத்தமாக குடும்பத்தினருடன் சரணாகதி அடையவேண்டியதுதான்.

யார் கேட்க போகிறார்கள் மாவீரன் ஆயிற்றே சரணாகதி அடையலாமா? அல்லது மாவீரனுக்கு மட்டும் சயனைடு சாப்பிட்டு தற்கொலை செய்து கொள்ளும் கட்டாயம் கிடையாதா? அது வெறும் அப்பாவி தொண்டர்களுக்கு மட்டும் தானா என்றெல்லாம்? இருக்கவே இருக்கிறதே கைக்கூலி படை. எதற்காக அவ்வளவு பணம் செலவழித்து கைக்கூலிகளை வைத்திருக்கிறீர்கள்? இப்பொழுது இல்லாமல் எப்பொழுது அவர்கள் தங்கள் கைவரிசையை காட்டமுடியும்? எனவே கவலை படாமல் சரணடையுங்கள் - கைக்கூலிகள் அதனை "மாவீரனின் ராஜ தந்திரம்" என்று ஒரேயடியாக ஒரு போடு போட்டு விடுவார்கள் - அதனை நம்புவதற்கும் ஒரு முட்டாள் கூட்டம்தான் தயாராக இருக்கிறதே. உங்களுக்கு என்ன கவலை?

ஒருவேளை, உங்கள் வழக்கப்படி (அதாங்க நீங்க எப்படி உங்க போட்டி கூட்டத்தினரை நைசாக பேச்சு வார்த்தைக்கு அழைத்து போட்டு தள்ளிநீர்களோ அதே போல) எதிரியும் உங்கள் சரணாகதியை ஏற்றுக்கொள்வதுபோல் ஆசை காட்டி உங்களை மோசம் செய்து போட்டு தள்ளி விட்டாலும், உங்கள் கைக்கூலிகள் பார்த்துக்கொள்வார்கள், கவலை படாதீர்கள் (போர் களத்தில் இல்லீங்க, மீடியாக்களில்) . நீங்கள் செத்து விட்டாலும் உங்கள் கைக்கூலிகள் அதனை மறுத்துக்கொண்டே நீங்கள் சாகவில்லை என்றும் எங்கோ மறைந்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறீர்கள் என்றும் பொது மக்களை குழப்பி அடிப்பார்கள். கொஞ்ச நாட்கள் அவர்களுக்கும் பொழுது போகும்; வெளிநாட்டு மக்களிடம் இருந்து மேலும் கொஞ்சம் பணம் கறக்க முடியும் உங்கள் பேரை சொல்லி.

இப்படியாகத்தானே, "மாவீரன்" என்ற மாய பிம்பம் மக்கள் மத்தியில் உருவாக்க படுகிறது. பணம் இருந்தால் ஒரு கொலைகாரனும், தீவிரவாதியும் கைக்கூலிகளால் "மாவீரன்" என்று இவ்வாறுதான் சித்தரிக்க படுகிறான்.

ஆகவே, மக்களே, நீங்கள் கைக்கூலிகளிடம் உஷாராக இருந்தால் முட்டாள் ஆகாமல் தப்பிக்கலாம். இன்றைய தினத்தில் இணையத்தில் நிறைய கைக்கூலிகள் இதைதான் செய்து கொண்டு இருக்கிறார்கள். வாங்கிய காசுக்கு அவர்கள் மாரடிக்கிறார்கள். ஏமாறாமல் இருப்பது நம் ஒவ்வொருவரின் புத்திசாலித்தனத்தையும், சாமர்த்தியத்தையும் பொருத்தது.

ஊதுகிற சங்கை ஊதிவிட்டேன். கேட்பவர்கள் உஷாராகுங்கள். இல்லையென்றால் உங்களுக்கு சங்கு ஊதிவிடுவார்கள் இந்த இணைய கைக்கூலிகள்.

Success Formula to become the IPL Champion

Yesterday, Deccan Chargers (DC) Hyderabad had won the IPL 2009 Championship after beating Royal Challengers Bangalore (RCB) in an absorbing final in Jo'burg, South Africa.  Well Done Adam Gilchrist & your DC team-mates for the achievement, particularly considering how your team was placed after last year's inagural IPL.

Our appreciation also goes to the REAL WARRIOR & FIGHTER to the core, Anil Kumble and his valiant team RCB, for the way they have put up a fight & kept the match with DC alive till the penultimate ball, something similar to last year's Championship match too.  Thanks Anil for proving to the world how grit & determination can override age in this format too.

As far as IPL 2, as a tournament, is concerned, it has turned out to be a stupendous success.  The tournament has revived SA's economy in these troubled and recessionary times.  This was disclosed to the world by none other than the President of South Africa himself in the closing ceremony held after the finals.  Lalit Modi, the IPL Commissioner, has surely converted a challenge (of shifting the tournament out of India) thrown at him into an opportunity and show-cased India as a happening country through the efficient & successful conduct of IPL 2 within such a short span of time (3 weeks) and for such a long duration (about 5 weeks or so).

Now that two seasons of IPL have been concluded and Rajasthan Royals (RR) (in 2008) and Deccan Chargers (DC) (in 2009) have been crowned as the IPL Champions, here is my take-away as to what could be, inter alia, a success formula to become the Champion Team in the Indian Premier League (Hope the IPL Team Owners are reading this).

1.  Recruit and appoint an Australian cricketer, who is also a Big Match Player, as the Captain of your team (Shane Warne - RR Captain in 2008 & Adam Gilchrist - DC Captain in 2009)
2.  If he is a retired Australian cricketer, the better, since he can be available for the full length of the tournament (Both Warne in 2008 & Gilli in 2009 are retired)
3.  Have an Australian as the coach (Warne himself for RR and Darren Lehmann for DC in 2009) (I can hear Sourav, Shah Rukh & FakeIPLPlayer gritting their teeth at my suggestion)
4.  Have a hard-hitting South African as an opening batsman (Graeme Smith for RR and Herschelle Gibbs for DC)
5.  Have at least one hard-hitting all-rounder down the order (Yusuf Pathan for RR and Rohit Sharma for DC)
6.  Let your premier bowler be a left-arm fast medium one (Sohail Tanvir & R.P.Singh)
7.  Have an all-rounder in the team who is capable of bagging the Player of the Tournament award (Shane Watson for RR in 2008 and Gilli himself for DC in 2009)
8.  Have 1 more member in the team who is capable of bagging one of the two Caps - Orange cap (Maximum runs) or Purple cap (maximum wickets) (Purple Cap holder - Sohail Tanvir for RR in 2008 and R.P. Singh for DC in 2009)

Now that the "secret" of the Success Formula has been spilled out in black & white, can we expect the Khans and Zintas and Ambanis and Mallyas of the world rushing to revamp their teams before the next IPL edition starts?

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Last year's Laggards vyeing to be crowned as the IPL Champion this year

Cricket is a funny game. A real funny game which can turn things upside down. That is the beauty of the game. Its latest avatar Twenty 20 is no exception.

That is why, both Deccan Chargers, Hyderabad and Royal Challengers, Bangalore, who were ranked the last & one before that respectively in 2008, are finding themselves facing each other in the finals of IPL 2009. While DC should thank their captain Adam Gilchrist for his blitzkrieg of an innings in the first semi-finals to beat Delhi to be in the final, it was RCB's all round cricket plus their captain Kumble's good captaincy which helped them easily outplay Cheenai Super Kings in the second semi-finals yesterday.

Whether it is bowling or batting or fielding or catching, RCB clearly outplayed CSK in all departments. CSK continued their swift opening in this match too but subsequently lost their way due to good bowling and tight fielding plus catching by RCB. None of CSK's batsmen got going after a good start. As against this, when RCB replied, both their new-found opener Pandey and veteran Dravid, played a fluent but aggressive and pleasing innings & took RCB to the brink of victory which was sealed by Ross Taylor & Virat Kohli with some aggressive hits towards the end of the innings to help RCB overhaul CSK's score of 146 with 7 balls & 6 wickets to spare.

Today, the teams from Hyderabad and Bangalore are going to compete to determine who is going to be IPL Champion in 2009. Let us pray we get to see an extremely competitive final like last year. Let the better team of the day win & be crowned the IPL Champion.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Gilli pulverises Dilli

WOW! What an innings and what a knock played by Adam Gilchrist in the first semi-final of IPL 2 yesterday. One of the best T20 knocks played by anyone since the format has been invented.

The way Gilli batted from the word go, literally, by hitting 5 fours in the very first over bowled by Dirk Nannes of Delhi Daredevils, one could sense that some real entertainment is in store from Gilli and Delhi Daredevils, unfortunately, were at the receiving end of Gilli's onslaught. The way Gilli got going from the first over, Deccan Chargers raced to 84 for 1 in the first 6 Power Play overs itself. I though t match won't even go beyond the Strategic Time-out. But, exactly at the last ball before the Time-out, Gilli got out to an attempted pull off a Amit Mishra delivery. By then, Gilli had scored 85 runs in just 35 balls. Through his innings, Gilli spoiled the confidence and bowling figures of all Delhi bowlers starting from Dirk Nannes, Ashish Nehra, Pradeep Sangwan and even Sehwag, who brought himself to bowl the last Powerplay over but went for 25 runs. Only Dilshan & Amit Mishra, who slowed the pace of the ball with their spin could extract some respect from the Hyderabad batsmen. However, Delhi could not prevent Chargers from running away with the match in the 18th over.

Now, Deccan Chargers are through to the finals of IPL 2 and will meet the winner of today's second semi-finals between Chennai Super Kings and Royal Challengers Bangalore. From the way Gilli batted yesterday, it seems that whoever meets Deccan Chargers in the finals, are in for a big challenge.

Gilli has proved, yet again, that he is a Big Match player. Thanks Gilli for entertaining us with such a stupendous knock in IPL 2 like you played against Mumbai Indians (in a league match played at Mumbai) in the first IPL.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Voters in TN have Rejected the LTTE supporters

Hats Off to Tamil Nadu voters!!! What a fantastic PUNCH they have delivered against the likes of RowdyDas, Vaigo, Commies & Jaya? WOW!!! Three Cheers to TN Voters.

Before the polls, I was really beginning to get worried, like many other nationalist minds, that if LTTE coolies' shrill propaganda in TN will actually influence the voters' minds and how will it affect the new government to be formed at the centre.

But, to my great relief, the VOTERS OF TAMIL NADU HAVE REJECTED THE LTTE SUPPORTING POLITICAL PARTIES OUTRIGHT. The entire opposition alliance of AIADMK, PMK, MDMK, CPI & CPM tried to project the Sri Lankan Govt.'s war against LTTE as a genocide against SL Tamils & wanted the Govt. of India to do unreasonable things to stop the war. But, neither the Sonia Cong. nor DMK, to their credit, budged from their position and the Govt. of India did the right thing by not putting any pressure or breaks on Sri Lankan Govt. and its army's ability to destroy the Tamil terrorists & crush any visible vestiges of that movement.

The people of Tamil Nadu have collectively shown their foresight & vision and proved to the world that they are always for India as a united nation & India should not unnecessarily interfere in other countries' internal matters, particularly if it involvs crushing terrorists & terrorism. They have proved to the world that they are more responsible than the entire opoosition parties in Tamil Nadu.

தமிழ் நாட்டை பொறுத்தவரை தீவிரவாத கூலி கும்பலை மக்கள் செருப்படி கொடுத்து வீட்டுக்கு அனுப்பியதில் எனக்கு பரம திருப்தி. கூலி படைகள் சத்தம் போட்டு கொண்டுதான் இருக்கும். வாங்கிய காசுக்கு மாரடிக்கிறார்கள். ஆனால், இலங்கை பிரச்னையை பொறுத்தவரை தமிழ் மக்கள் மிகவும் மிகவும் தெளிவாகவே இருக்கிறார்கள். 1991 இல் என்ன மாதிரி வாக்களித்தார்களோ அதே போன்ற தெளிவு இப்போதும். வெரி குட்.

Just as the election results have been announced & the implications have started to sink in came the GOOD NEWS that LTTE's chief Barbarian Prabakaran has been killed by the Sri Lankan army. That news was the ICING ON THE CAKE. It was like a double treat for any Indian. Well Done, Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa. You have achieved what none of your predecessors could do by your leadership, sheer determination & single-minded focus to crush terrorism. Indian leaders will do well to learn a lesson or two from you.

Now that the LTTE touts like PMK & MDMK have been convincingly defeated & shown their true places in TN's political standing, other major parties like DMK, AIADMK, Sonia Congress & BJP should, in future, deal with them accordingly & not give them too much importance, which they never deserved.

AIADMK's Jayalalitha deserves this defeat - if not for anything else, just for her expediency in shifting from her long standing position of "no support to terrorism of any kind" to that of "supporting separate country for SL Tamils" and thus, indirectly supporting LTTE's cause. The good impression she has painstakingly gained from all right-thinking and nationalist-minded citizens over the years has been irresponsibly, may be irrevocably too, thrown to the winds by her expeditious & short-sighted change of stand just for that mirage called 'political gains at the hustings'.

On the contrary, we should congratulate Karunanidhi for sticking to the Govt. of India's stand of non-interference in other countries' internal affairs. He deserves special praise for this because he took this "very un-Karunanidhi-like" stance against all odds of being labelled as an anti-Tamil. Whatever may be the real or perceived reason based on which he might have taken that stand, he deserves praise nevertheless. Thank You Mr. Karunanidhi & I hope, at least from now, you realise that even if you have to take a nationalist stance vis-a-vis a parochial issue against strong opposition in your state, people will support you.

Sonia & her Congress party deserve the prasie for being firm in their stance, for not budging to the enormous pressure brought about by LTTE's propaganda machine and for allowing the SL Govt. to take the war to its logical end. Now that the LTTE & their terrorists have been fully destroyed, the Govt. of India will do well to put enough bilateral & international diplomatic pressure to make SL Govt. to speedily work on rehabilitation and devolution matters to the Tamils there. Only by taking quick rehabilitation measures would the wounds of war-ravaged people can be tried to be healed.

Last but not the least, it is amusing to see the reactions of the so many LTTE sponsored websites & Tamil bloggers. All of them are now crying hoarse & their wail has become much more shriller now that the world has been officially told by Sri Lankan Govt. that Prabakaran is killed in the war. They are all trying to pacify themselves & trying to keep their flock together by concocting weird theories of how he is still alive, how he will dramatically appear after some time, etc. All this are understandable since they are (i) shocked by the turn of events & (ii) realise that THEIR SOURCE OF FUNDS WILL TOTALLY DRY-UP NOW THAT THE LTTE IS EXTINCT. That is what is pinching them. It is like, after some fierce street fight gets over & the crowd has disbursed, still some street dogs will roam about barking for some bread-crumbs. Only after a lot of barking with no avail will they realise that nobody is bothered about them & then only they will slowly move to some trash-bin nearby & settle down there. So, let us not disturb them & let them take their own sweet time to find a trash-bin.

Regarding whether Prabakaran is alive or dead, the point to note is that SL Govt. and Army will not go to such an extent of openly declaring the news to the world, showing some videos & photos of the body (howsoever disputable it may be) & announcing the mass burial in an undisclosed and an unmarked area, without making sure that EVEN IF HE IS ALIVE, HE WON'T BE ABLE TO RE-SURFACE ON THE SAME IDENTITY. Otherwise, their nation's legal credibility will go to dogs. Other nations, like for eg. India, have cases against the LTTE terrorists & Prabakaran. Those cases can be closed only based on authenticated death certificate from the SL Govt. Therefore, it is reasonable to expect that the Sri Lankan Govt. would have taken adequate legal, scientific & logistical corroborations before announcing the news.

Is it Indian Premier League or South Indian Premier League?

Three teams out of this year's four semi-finalists in IPL are from South India.  Except Delhi Daredevils, all the other three teams in the SFs, i.e. Chennai Super Kings, Royal Challengers Bangalore and Deccan Chargers Hyderabad are all from the three southern states of India viz., Tamil nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.

But, if we see who the owners of these four SF teams, then it becomes an out & out South Indian semi-finals in IPL 2.  Even the only non-southie team in SF, Delhi Daredevils, are owned by GMR Group, a leading contruction & airports management group from Hyderabad.  As we all know, the other three teams are owned by India Cements (of Chennai), United Brewery (of Bangalore) and Deccan Chronicle (of Hyderabad) groups, respectively.

So, IPL 2009, has become a sort of SIPL i.e. South Indian Premier League.  Hope in the first semi-finals taking place today, even the top-ranked Delhi team is beaten by Deccan Chargers  so that the IPL Trophy surely belongs to a South Indian team this year.

Looking forward to witness really competitive and interesting knock-out matches during the semi-finals & finals of SIPL.  Happy IPL week-end to all.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

RED Liquid Smeared on the Face of PINK Chaddi Campaigners

One of the satisfying outcome from the results of the recently held Lok Sabha Elections has been the way the voters in Karnataka overwhelmingly voted FOR BJP and thus smeared RED Liquid (what it means, I leave it to the imagination of the reader) on the face of the "psudo-secularists" and "progressive intellectuals" and "feminists"(?), who recently mounted a vehement, relentless & a shameless campaign called "pink chaddi campaign" against Rama Sena & its campaign against spread of immoral culture among Indian women.

Though the methods adopted by Rama Sena mat not be correct, their campaign against the spread of western culture and, under its guise, immorality among the Indian youth, particularly women, is praise-worthy.  Only those Indians with a deranged mind & a perverted sense of morality can dispute the motive of Rama Sena's campaign.  But, as many of us know, such humanoids can be found aplenty in India nowadays, thanks to economic liberalisation, which brought in its wake a cultural liberalisation and also communications revolution, which facilitated the spread of internet, which in turn, gave anonymity for its user, who can then spread any mischievous propaganda.  Add to this concoction a vicious, an ethic-less, a biased & an anti-Hindu (but, you guessed it right, a call-themselves-secular) media and you have the potion called "BJP & Sangh-Parivar Bashing".

Because the state was ruled by a BJP Govt. when Rama Sena did what they did - forcibly removing cigarette-smoking, drinking & dancing girls from Pubs/Night Clubs in Mangalore in the night as these are against Indian culture, these psudo-secular worthies found it offensive, against personal freedom and against women's rights.  Though drinking or smoking or dancing is one's personal choice, in Indian culture, we don't expect ladies to do such things & that too in public. Indian culture respects ladies and our scriptures give the utmost position to Mother - above Father, Teacher and God.  Moreover, the recent trend has been to prevent even males from indulging in smoking & drinking activities due to health reasons, there is no logical reason, other than just fun and pleasure, for these young ladies, who must have got influenced by the MTV culture.

So, when their own family elders did not or could not prevent them from getting astray, Rama Sena tried to do that, albeit in a forcible way.  But, instead of, at least advising those ladies, who gave these psudo-seculars the right to criticise and mount a vicious campaign only against Rama Sena?  They could have condemned the methodology of Rama Sena and urged the Govt. to initiate legal action.  If these worthies were fair-minded, they would have also advised the ladies who attended the night club & pub, to refrain from such acts in future.  But, instead, they acted in a discriminatory and vicious manner agsinst Rama Sena only.

When Rama Sena forcibly removed the women who were smoking, drinking & dancing from the pubs, many of these worthies took cudgels on "behalf" of the "affected" parties and campaigned against Rama Sena for their, what they called, "moral policing".  Though none of the affected girls have filed a single case till date against Rama Sena or anyone else, these "worthies" started a campaign called "Pink Chaddi Campaign" by asking all ladies to send a Pink Chaddi to the office of Rama Sena as a protest against Rama Sena's atrocities against women(?).  No women who was brought up in Indian culture can tolerate what these ladies did & would have dismissed the campaign call outright.  Some deranged minds might have sent "their" pink chaddis.  However, the media - both print & electronic - went to town with glee - after all this campaign is against a "Sangh Parivar" Govt.  So, how can they miss an opportunity to belittle a BJP Govt.?  More importantly, they have to be loyal to their masters, the Christian Missionaries, who fund them from abroad - is it not?  Many bloggers, who describe themselves as "women", have also actively participated in the campaign by urging all ladies to send "their" Pink Chaddis to Rama Sena.

All these campaigns, it seems, have gone in vain now.  Yes; now it is clear from the results of the election held recently to Lok Sabha that Karnataka voters, in general, and Mangalore voters (where the pub incident took place) and Bangalore voters (where the Pink Chaddi campaign happened), in particular, have SMEARED RED LIQUID on the Face of Pink Chaddi Campigners by overwhelmingly voting for the so-called communal BJP (its vote share % has also increased apaprt from the number of seats) and rejecting the psudo-secular Sonia Cong.  Importantly, the BJP has bagged all the seats in Bangalore city (the only big city/capital in India in which it won seats in this LS election) as also the entire coastal belt in Karnataka, where Mangalore is situated.

This SLAP ON THE FACE OF PINK JADDI CAMPAIGNERS by the Karnataka people has come at the right time as otherwise, these worthies, along with the biased media, would have called it their truimph due to their campaign.

Now that the results have thrown their campaign to dust, none of the media has even bothered to mention that the people have rejected such campaign outright.  And that is the reason why, I am very very happy to highlight this in my blog so that it irritates these worthies, if they happen to read this posting.  Those of you, who share my feeling, are free to refer or forward this to as many of your contacts as possible so that such facts come to the public knowledge.

Long Live Red Liquid Campaign Against Pink Chaddis.

Monday, May 18, 2009

What the results of General Elections 2009 portend?

Though, as a BJP supporter, I took the election results with a tinge of disappointment this time, I was not at all shocked with the results in the same way as I was in 2004 when UPA pipped NDA at the hustings.  If one sees the party-wise seats tally & the vote share including gains & losses, I feel THE INDIAN VOTER IS CLEAR & MATURED.  The voters, in general, have voted for a stable government at the centre & have shown that they are willing to back the party which they perceive is capable of governing the nation without distractions of coalition politics.

According to me, following are the take-aways from the results of the General Elections 2009:

1.  By voting for Sonia Cong. to win 205 seats within an overall UPA tally of 260+ (almost near the half-way mark), people have clearly indicated that they want STABILITY.  By trouncing most of its UPA partners, voters have given the mandate to Sonia Cong. to rule the country without coalition troubles like last time.

2.  BJP need not feel dejected or take any knee-jerk reactions.  Though its own seats, along with that of its NDA coalition, have come down from last time, BJP can take heart from the message given by the electorate.  Since the Indian voter wants a stable, preferably a single party Govt. to rule, by voting for Sonia Cong., BJP should now strive to play a constructive role in the opposition, which will prove to the electorate that BJP is a responsible alterative to Sonia Cong., in case they want to change their preference in the next elections.  So, BJP should not indulge in opposing the Govt. just for the sake of opposition - like they did by opposing the Nuclear Deal.  If BJP feels the Govt. has taken a right policy decision which is good for the country, as a responsible opposition party, they should vote along with the Govt. for such issues.

3.  Sonia Cong. can take heart from the results that many of its policies and programmes have the support of the people but should be careful to not become complacent or over-exhuberant by inviting dictatorial tendencies.  I think, the presence of Dr. Manmohan Singh, as the Prime Minister, should help the party here as he has shown to be a level-headed individual & seems to have the full backing of Sonia too.

4.  I think, overall the Indian Democracy is getting matured.  From several decades of single party rules (1950s, 60s) to voting a party based on emotional issues (1984) to an era of coalitions (since 1989 till now), the Indian Democracy has come a long way.  The electorate is learning the ropes by trial & error.  Now, they are learning that voting for coalitions may not be the only answer to single party dominance.  I think going forward, Indian Democracy may begin to see the emergence of two party rule - at least at the national level.  What I mean here is, the Indian electorate will have two parties (Sonia Cong. vs BJP) to choose from than two coalitions (UPA vs NDA).  That will be better for the country as whichever party is voted to power will have a stable rule & people can judge them on their own merit.  In case they don't deliver the goods, there is an alternative of another national party for the people to choose from in the next election, which will make the party in power to behave responsibly & deliver good governance.

All in all, even if one is not a UPA or Sonia Cong. supporter, one need not despair with the outcome of this election.  Issues like Swiss bank money, corruption, etc., I am sure, can be & will be tackled in the long run.

Here is wishing Dr. Manmohan Singh all the best to give a clean & good government which fast tracks the stalled economic reforms & makes sure to strengthen India's security & anti-terrorism measures.